Pantin is a town located in the east of Paris, beyond the ring road. Pantin is in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis. This town in Ile de France is part of the Greater Paris metropolitan area and joined in 2016 the territorial public establishment Est Ensemble. Pantin is crossed by the Canal de l'Ourcq.

During lockdown, it becomes easier to fly over cities by drone
This lockdown period, which forces everyone to stay at home, has the advantage of making it easier to produce drone shots in the heart of cities. Indeed, as the regulations applicable to the use of drones imposes above all to not fly over people, it is currently easier to organize filming while ensuring optimum safety. Pantin has understood this well by entrusting us with the production of video shots by drone in order to expand their bank of aerial images that they use to support and enrich their digital communication actions.
Two days of preparation for a day of drone filming
The obligation to inform the prefecture of our intentions to provide a drone service requires meticulous preparation where each take-off and overflight zone is correctly documented in order to submit a complete file and avoid the risk of a refusal. Like everyone else, we are subject to health rules, preventative and shielding measures, and physical distancing (a term we prefer to social distancing) which make it possible to contain the spread of the coronavirus and restrict the impact of the epidemic peak on hospitals and on the health system in general. We therefore limited our trips to the single day of filming and considered that only one person would be on the ground to take the shots. It was therefore from our home, on the computer, that we identified each work area thanks to the maps offered by Google Maps and the Street View views which "teleport" us to the field; our interlocutors in the city of Pantin being on site to confirm the current status of the places we visited remotely.
Extract from the flight notification files submitted to the prefecture of 93 department
Flight paths and video plans thought out upstream
We had planned some 10 overflight zones spread over the territory of Pantin Municipality. Several flights were scheduled in each area in order to produce the expected video shot, in terms of quantity and quality. It represented a workload which, if we wanted to finish the day of shooting with the satisfaction of having everything in the box, forced us to think ahead of what we were really going to undertake on location. So we thought our forward shooting plans out, detailing the flight paths and framing each flight. On site, it only remained to manage the safety and the execution of the flights.. and to respect the distancing rules.
The last shots were made around 7 p.m. Afterwards, approximately 150 video clips were copied onto an SD card deposited in a letterbox.
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to listen to you and advise you.